Country-Wide is New Zealand’s only dedicated pastoral and arable farming magazine. It is a trusted farm management publication, delivering content on red meat, wool and arable farming topics.
Each issue gives independent, credible and often exclusive information to help them run your farm businesses better.

Episode 42 – Are equity partnerships the key to farm business ownership?

Pathways to farm ownership can be hard to navigate, with young farmers having less access to the capital required to purchase land. Equity partnerships are a viable option that allow farmers to partner with investors to get a foot on the farm ownership ladder.

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Farming for the future

With an eye to the future, North Canterbury farmers Jock and Pip Foster see NZ Farm Assurance Programme (NZFAP) Plus accreditation as an opportunity to access markets and generate a premium for what they produce. Words SandRa Taylor, Photos Kelly Shakespeare.

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Enhancing the environment with dung beetles

Are dung beetles your new farm worker? Working round the clock, and paid in dung, dung beetles could be a valuable addition to the toolbox when it comes to improving soil health and water quality on our farms. Words Rebecca Greaves

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A wild weed

The rural community are great at stepping up, helping out beyond their farm gate. These five legends are tackling arguably New Zealand’s biggest weed problem – wilding conifers. While some of us throw our hands in the air and call defeat, these farmers, foresters and fighters have taken on the problem and made it their own. As Ket Bradshaw puts it, together we can make a first step on something that is daunting. Words Jo Grigg.

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Burps & Bluster

Are farmers doing enough on methane? Methane from Kiwi farms accounts for more than a third of the country’s greenhouse emissions. But exactly how this gas contributes to global warming and to what extent it should reduce is complex. As our methane targets look set to be overhauled, George Driver investigates how the gas heats the planet and how low our emissions should go. Words George Driver.

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Making the most of the rain

Water has always been a precious resource for Central Otago farmers Tim and Camilla Rutherford, and they’re keen to ensure they utilise every drop that falls from the sky. Words Rebecca Greaves

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Turning around triple drench resistance

When testing revealed triple drench resistance, station manager Charles Yule knew he had to consider changes to the property’s management strategy.
Words Tony Leggett, Photos John Cowpland, Alphapix Photography.

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Facing up to the threat

As an increasing number of sheep farmers grapple with triple drench resistance, a group of Wairarapa farmers are meeting on a regular basis to learn about managing parasites without relying on drenches. Words Sandra Taylor.

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Five steps to controlling internal parasites

North Otago veterinarian Dave Roberston has developed a five-point plan to help farmers control parasites in sheep farm systems. Words Tony Leggett.

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Farmer-led mineral focus group in face of drench resistance

Drench resistance has been a ticking time bomb for a while. Veterinarian Erin Riley first saw the signs of it in the UK before she moved to New Zealand, but was hopeful that the evolution of combination drenches would buy more time. Words Sarah Perriam-Lampp.

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“Greenie” at heart

Sandra Matthews, Rere, Gisborne, sheep and beef farmer, and winner of the FMG Rural Champion award at the 2022 B+LNZ Awards.

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Autumn is my favourite time of year

Anna Munro is a mum, farmer and rural photographer based in Mt Somers, Mid Canterbury.

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Back to normal

Ben Dooley, Mimihau, Southland is a fourth-generation farmer, farming in Mimihau, Southland with his wife, Sarah, and two boys.

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Stop and smell the roses

Max Tweedie, Tutira, Hawke’s Bay and his wife Lucy run Hallmark Angus Stud.

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How to buy the right bull

Being clear on your desired outcome is the first step to ensure you end up with a bull-team well suited to your particular needs.

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When the going gets tough

Sheep and beef farmers are weathering a difficult season so we spoke to industry professionals about their advice for getting through tough times. Words Sandra Taylor.

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Capturing the premiums

The Harper’s focus on creating an inter-generational business model, with built-in niche products in partnership with suppliers, has diversified their farming business across many value chains. Words Sarah Perriam-Lampp, Photos Emmily Harmer Photography, Headwaters and Stoney Creek.

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Should all your wealth be in your land?

When surplus capital is built up in the farm the instinct is often to buy the neighbouring block when it comes on the market. Words Angus Marks and Andrew Austin, Wealth Management, Jarden Wealth.

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The value of non-financial reporting

Jemima Snook’s Kellogg Rural Leadership project report posed the question of how to generate value and improve sustainability from non-financial farm reporting. We share an insight into her findings.

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Enhanced extension model for B+LNZ

Beef + Lamb New Zealand is changing up its extension delivery model, focusing on making a difference behind the farm gate and farmer learning, with a new small group offering set to roll out in 2025. General manager extension, Justine Kidd, explains what this will mean for farmers. Words Rebecca Greaves.

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Recording & reporting

Kiwi farmers are some of the most sustainably efficient in the world but with the next chapter in New Zealand farming about ‘proving your improvements’, many Trev farmers are finding enhancing business efficiency in the process. Words Sarah Perriam-Lampp.

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Body Condition Scoring Drives Ewe Productivity and Profitability

Body condition scoring is a powerful tool to help sheep farmers increase ewe productivity and profitability through determining the most effective and efficient use of feed resources. Words Sandra Taylor.

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Beef + Lamb New Zealand works to tackle facial eczema

Facial eczema remains a major challenge for New Zealand’s livestock farmers, severely affecting animal health and productivity to the tune of $332 million annually. Words Sandra Taylor.

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To stay or shed?

Passionate strong wool growers need patience to stand the test of time whilst shedding sheep flaunt their more attractive financials. Wool prices still need to move higher again before farmers can bank a profit from their wool clip, but the tables are turning at last - what will you choose? Words Tony Leggett.

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Wool Impact announces game-changing breakthrough for strong wool

There can only be one way for farm gate prices for strong wool - and it’s up! Wool Impact knows it will be what farmers judge their performance on, so how far away is it? Words Tony Leggett Photos Wool Impact.

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