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How to buy the right bull

Being clear on your desired outcome is the first step to ensure you end up with a bull-team well suited to your particular needs.

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Minister’s trade priorities

The strength of our agricultural sector is a testament to farmers hard work and innovation; Minister for Trade and Agriculture Todd McClay is all too aware of his role to support and enhance collective efforts, particularly in expanding beef exports through strategic trade initiatives.

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Reaping the rewards

Irrespective of market fluctuations, Beef + Lamb New Zealand’s Trade Policy team continues to represent the interests of this country’s sheep and beef farmers in global trade discussions. Senior Trade Policy Advisor, Nick Jolly, says B+LNZ’s strategy is to maintain, protect and improve access into current markets and to unlock new market potential. Words by Nick Jolly, Senior Trade Policy Advisor.

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Ready to thrive in a changeable world

Adaptability is crucial to maintain our standing as a premium beef exporter. Words by Sirma Karapeeva, Chief Executive, Meat Industry Association

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Growing a fine beer

Arrowtown’s Royalburn Station owner Carlos Bagrie has developed a tasty and thirst-quenching way to take control of his barley value chain.

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Championing the sector

Amy Hoogenboom updates us on the fate of Future Beef and its youth event.

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Regenerative – what’s in a word?

Becks Smith ponders the conversations around regenerative agriculture.

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All quiet around the Beehive

Relishing the lack of politics in the void after the election, Carterton farmer Mark Guscott has enjoyed a good lambing, and reveals his regenerative move.

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First up, best tractor

With the onset of lambing and calving, Suzie Corboy has taken leave from her other job as an ambulance officer.

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No longer the outlaws

Charlotte Rietveld relishes the opportunity to dress for an award-winning occasion.

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