
We extend an invite to you to step inside the homes of our loyal and passionate subscribers.

  • 70% of readers are farm owners farming over 200ha
  • 29% of readers farm over 600ha
  • 17% of readers earn over $1,000,000 p/a
  • 50% of readers generate income over $450,000 p/a
  • 92% rate the content as useful to run their business.

Media Kit

Our media Kit is your go-to guide for reaching and engaging our high quality, decision-making audiences across the agriculture sector.

It is where you’ll find all our advertising and partnership opportunities, booking and material deadlines, advertising specifications and a detailed rate card with prices for all the options.

Contact your Partnership Manager for a copy.

Sheep Country 2024

Advertising and listing bookings for our annual Sheep journal close on Friday 9 August.

This year’s issue will be overflowing with sheep breeding management solutions and a highly sought-after breeder directory.

Delivered to 10,500 sheep and beef farmers, this is a coveted annual journal out in time for annual ram sales.

Get in touch with David Patterson to talk more about how we can work together.

Sheep 2023


Our partnership managers share your passion for advertising and are there to help you with your bookings, including the innovations we can deliver to gain the cut-through you want.

Viv Montgomerie

General Manager - Sales

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Donna Hirst

Sales Manager

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David Paterson

Account Manager

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Get in touch

Not sure where to start? Complete the form below and one of our sales team will be in touch!