We extend an invite to you to step inside the homes of our loyal and passionate subscribers.
- 70% of readers are farm owners farming over 200ha
- 29% of readers farm over 600ha
- 17% of readers earn over $1,000,000 p/a
- 50% of readers generate income over $450,000 p/a
- 92% rate the content as useful to run their business.

Media Kit
Our media Kit is your go-to guide for reaching and engaging our high quality, decision-making audiences across the agriculture sector.
It is where you’ll find all our advertising and partnership opportunities, booking and material deadlines, advertising specifications and a detailed rate card with prices for all the options.
Contact your Partnership Manager for a copy.

Our partnership managers share your passion for advertising and are there to help you with your bookings, including the innovations we can deliver to gain the cut-through you want.
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