
Episode 15 – Are Wiltshire’s sunrise strong wool’s sunset?

Shearing & animal health costs outstrip the income from strong wool and one academic believes it’s a no brainer to lean into Wiltshires (shedding sheep). Rebecca uncovers the benefits of the breed from the research trial at Massey University along with the inspirational story of one East Coast farmer who had his capital stock wiped out from a drought and a cyclone.

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A new blanket approach

A scheme to find value-added markets for a family farm’s wool clip is now a full-fledged industry. Words and Photos by Malcolm Pullman

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Episode 3 – Will 2024 be the ‘Wool Renaissance’ everyone is hoping for?

In this episode on the Country-Wide podcast, Editor Rebecca Greaves talks to an innovative farming couple who have developed a woollen alternative to plastic tree protectors as well as Campaign for Wool’s, Tom O’Sullivan on the positive approach the new government is taking to supporting the industry.

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In search of the perfect sheep

The New Zealand sheep industry has had many discussions over the years about the perfect sheep and how that fits into the diverse range of farming conditions. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, but a group of farmers and a scientist are working on that idea. By Sarah Horrocks.

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Making connections with wool

The Campaign for Wool New Zealand (CFWNZ), tasked with advancing strong wool education, promotion and advocacy, has unveiled a new online portal and updates to the Wool in Schools programme.

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Strong wool renaissence

A long-established wool company and furniture business have linked to provide sustainable furnishings. By Annabelle Latz.

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On a roll with wool

After school, it was a choice of working in a bank or picking up the shearing handpiece for a young Northland woman. Shearing won. By Glenys Christian. Photos: Malcolm Pullman.

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Broken-down wool gets new use

Flooring is not the only future use for New Zealand’s coarse wools. Annabelle Latz writes.

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Wool on the floor

The returns, or lack thereof, for coarse wool have been a thorn in the lamb producer’s side for years now, but Nicola Dennis says there are some good options for wool growers.

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Focus on performance

Jo Cuttance reports on a programme crossing Merino rams and Romney ewes to lower the wool micron measure.

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