Making connections with wool

The Campaign for Wool New Zealand (CFWNZ), tasked with advancing strong wool education, promotion and advocacy, has unveiled a new online portal and updates to the Wool in Schools programme.

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The Campaign for Wool New Zealand (CFWNZ), tasked with advancing strong wool education, promotion and advocacy, has unveiled a new online portal and updates to the Wool in Schools programme.

General manager – advocacy Tom O’Sullivan says the digital partner portal, housed on the CFWNZ website, allows wool manufacturers, businesses, brands and supporters access to verified consumer and market research, a library of professional photography, business templates, a growing directory of wool industry contacts and a range of other resources.

As a not-for-profit organisation, CFWNZ uses the $1000 annual subscription fee charged to users of the portal to develop and expand its initiatives and programmes. This, in turn, supports NZ’s strong wool industry and wool growers, as signalled in its three-year strategy, published late last year, O’Sullivan says.

One CFWNZ programme is the Wool in Schools initiative. This year, with co-funding from the Ministry for Primary Industries’ Sustainable Food and Fibre Futures fund, the two shipping containers that travel to primary schools around the country have been substantially renovated, and the educational resources that travel with the containers fully digitised.

Hastings-based educators Digital Circus were tasked with making learning materials more accessible to container visitors. Later, CFWNZ plans to make these resources available to schools across NZ, irrespective of whether it’s convenient to book a Wool in Schools container for a visit.

“So far, we’ve reached 30,000 students across the country, but we could impact so many more kids with our fully digitised resources, and share our messages even wider,” O’Sullivan says.

  • To learn more about Wool in Schools, access the Partner Portal or make a donation, go to