
Back to Corriedale origins

One Romney wool fining project is using finer-woolled Corriedale rams in its breeding programme. Jo Cuttance reports. Photos by Nathn Trethowen.

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Woolless or finer wool

Modelling shows Wiltshire-Romney cross could relieve farmers of the costly animal welfare requirement to shear coarse-wool sheep. By Jo Cuttance.

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Wool’s cool and it bounces

A pair of mobile wool sheds are on a tour of New Zealand schools teaching students about the story of wool. Annabelle Latz reports.

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Learning wool’s wonders

Wool in schools, a project that educates Kiwi school children about the wonders of wool, will see its 25,000th student pass through its ‘wool sheds’ in August.

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Getting the measure of poor fibres

"We can do better" is the message Professor Jon Hickford of Lincoln University wants sheep farmers to get about their wool.

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Shearing contractors feel the pinch

While returns for strong wool don’t cover shearing costs, contractors also face challenges. By Richard Gavigan.

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Selling to maximise returns

Three main systems are used to buy wool from the farmers’ clip, Richard Gavigan writes.

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Learning the classer trade

A young Christchurch engineer is planning to still take time off to class the wool produced on her family’s sheep station. By Joanna Grigg.

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A South Island trip more than 20 years ago led not only to an enduring friendship but two passionate Northland advocates for Merino genetics. Story by Glenys Christian. Photos: Malcolm Pullman.

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