Dual-purpose Merinos drive performance
Muller Station has won the Marlborough Farmer of the Year title. It’s not just off the back of their highly profitable sheep, but
for creating a pasture powerhouse out of hieracium- and rabbit-infested country. With Steve Satterthwaite at the helm for a half-century, Muller has taken up the best of the new and safeguards the cherished high-country traditions of the past. Words Jo Grigg, Photos Jim Tannock.
Connected to the land
A shared passion for food and a love of the land bond Hugo and Pip Beamish, as they embark on their new farming journey, taking over the management of the Beamish family property, Awapai, with a view to beginning farm succession. Words Rebecca Greaves
Managing challenges
Motukawa Station is the engine room at the centre of the 5000 hectare Plimmer & Co farming operation. New manager Rimu Wipaki is looking to make changes that will harness its Taihape hill country power and lift productivity in both the sheep and beef operations.
Words & Photos Sarah Horrocks
Episode 9 – Integrated farm plans – compliance or positioning your farm for potential opportunities?
Country-Wide editor, Rebecca Greaves is taking their farm through integrated farm plan workshops in 2024. In this episode she speaks with Rachel Joblin of BakerAg, Sara Clarke from the Ministry for the Environment, and Annie Cates, Wairarapa sheep & beef farmer, about what integrated farm plans are, how they work, how the Ministry for the Environment plans to align with MPI to achieve them.
Set-stocking the flock
Say Waiouru and we automatically think 'army town', but just down the road on the North Island’s Central Plateau, a couple is gaining top sheep fertility and growth rates in a tough environment. Tony Leggett reports.
West Otago’s ‘brilliant’ sheep
A West Otago couple’s farm is limited by a lack of finishing country, but they are using good sheep genetics and feed strategically. By Terry Brosnahan.
Crunching numbers second nature
A standout financial performance, constant and thorough planning, a strong partnership and off-farm fun all contribute to Wairarapa farmers Tim and Binds White’s farming success.
Station bred, fast finished
Otairi station in the Turakina Valley is a sheep and beef operation spanning three sites, and where most of the stock work is still done on horseback. Not so different from when the Duncan family first moved there in the 1800s. Onfarm profile by Sarah Horrocks.
Hard work builds success
Rob and Marie Burke have done the hard yards at Puketira Station and are still looking for ways to increase revenue and improve practice.
Story and photos by Louise Savage.
On the home straight
Efficiency and consistency are the hallmarks of a Southland couple’s farming operation who are out to enjoy their last 10 years of farming. Terry Brosnahan reports.
Photos by Chris Sullivan.