Country-Wide is New Zealand’s only dedicated pastoral and arable farming magazine. It is a trusted farm management publication, delivering content on red meat, wool and arable farming topics.
Each issue gives independent, credible and often exclusive information to help them run your farm businesses better.

Episode 36 – Can farmers benefit from diversifying onfarm income?

When the traditional income streams are not delivering enough to the bottom line, is it time to diversify into activities that don’t rely on the cyclical nature of farm commodities? It can be hard to know what options are out there to diversify onfarm income, and how they can be integrated into your farming system. In this episode hear about different options for diversifying, from raising goats for cashmere to horticulture and viticulture. We speak to Olivia Sanders from NZ Cashmere; Che Charteris from Craigmore Sustainables; and Marcus Bousfield from ANZ.

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A wild weed

The rural community are great at stepping up, helping out beyond their farm gate. These five legends are tackling arguably New Zealand’s biggest weed problem – wilding conifers. While some of us throw our hands in the air and call defeat, these farmers, foresters and fighters have taken on the problem and made it their own. As Ket Bradshaw puts it, together we can make a first step on something that is daunting. Words Jo Grigg.

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Live export ban drags on

Live cattle export has been a contentious issue, banned by the previous government, exporters and farmer suppliers are hoping a new gold standard accreditation can lead to the ban being overturned by August. But time is ticking, as politicians wait for advice from Ministry for Primary Industries officials before making a decision.
Words Tony Leggett

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Down the drain – wool wins

Research has confirmed wool’s biodegradability, Joanna Grigg writes.

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Chilean needle grass poses potential billion-dollar threat

The “sleeper weed” Chilean needle grass, if nothing was done to stop it, could spread through most of New Zealand and eventually cost the country over a billion dollars, according to newly published research.

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What the farmers say

Integrated Farm Planning can seem a daunting task but there are plenty of resources and programmes available to support farmers to take the first step. Rebecca Greaves spoke to three farmers who have created their own farm plan through attending a BakerAg programme – something that can be achievable for all farmers, with a little help.

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Winning genes

Te Akau sheep and beef farmers Alastair and Ann Reeves were the Supreme Winners in this year’s Waikato Ballance Farm Environment Awards. Beef + Lamb New Zealand talk to them about their use of genetics to address animal health and environmental challenges, their farm system and community leadership. Photos Beef + Lamb New Zealand.

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Are your ewes getting what they need?

The ewes in a sheep business are its engine room. There aren’t too many days in the year when you shouldn’t be thinking about whether they are getting what they need. Senior Genetics Consultant and CEO at neXtgen Agri, Dr Mark Ferguson offers some expert advice.

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How to save on your vet bill

A bit of money spent on a conversation with your vet can save you more than you might think - don’t look at what free giveaways you get and forget about the free ham for Christmas, look at how you can use necessary products most effectively. Words Sara Sutherland

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A change of system

Veterinarian Sara Sutherland reports on the financial impact of farm management changes in response to drench resistance.

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What to do with tail end ewes?

In light of a rapid rise in levels of drench resistance, Ginny Dodunski of Wormwise investigates alternatives to help light breeding ewes.

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Autumn is my favourite time of year

Anna Munro is a mum, farmer and rural photographer based in Mt Somers, Mid Canterbury.

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Minister’s trade priorities

The strength of our agricultural sector is a testament to farmers hard work and innovation; Minister for Trade and Agriculture Todd McClay is all too aware of his role to support and enhance collective efforts, particularly in expanding beef exports through strategic trade initiatives.

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Reaping the rewards

Irrespective of market fluctuations, Beef + Lamb New Zealand’s Trade Policy team continues to represent the interests of this country’s sheep and beef farmers in global trade discussions. Senior Trade Policy Advisor, Nick Jolly, says B+LNZ’s strategy is to maintain, protect and improve access into current markets and to unlock new market potential. Words by Nick Jolly, Senior Trade Policy Advisor.

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Ready to thrive in a changeable world

Adaptability is crucial to maintain our standing as a premium beef exporter. Words by Sirma Karapeeva, Chief Executive, Meat Industry Association

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Growing a fine beer

Arrowtown’s Royalburn Station owner Carlos Bagrie has developed a tasty and thirst-quenching way to take control of his barley value chain.

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The value of non-financial reporting

Jemima Snook’s Kellogg Rural Leadership project report posed the question of how to generate value and improve sustainability from non-financial farm reporting. We share an insight into her findings.

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Team approach adds value

Farmers can utilise the skills of their accountants and advisers to boost their financial literacy and get a better understanding of debt, assets and equity, Elaine Fisher writes.

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Back to basics

Getting back to his roots and spending time putting cups on is a far cry from walking the halls of power, but newly minted Agriculture Minister, Todd McClay, doesn’t mind getting his hands dirty from time to time. He spoke to Rebecca Greaves about his priorities and what farmers can expect from our new Government.

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Forest owners baulk at ETS fee

Owners of forests registered in the Emissions Trading Scheme are challenging the introduction of an ongoing cost recovery fee, Rebecca Greaves reports.

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A tale of four electorates: Rural NZ takes a step to the right

While voters in rural electorates took a right turn at the recent election, the trend has been to greater diversity, Hugh Campbell writes.

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Booming success

Perched on dramatic coastal cliffs with sweeping vistas over the Cook Strait and the South Island, Boomrock is the ultimate experience venue, a unique and awe-inspiring place to create lifelong memories. It’s also the legacy of the Eastwick family, who created longevity through diversification. Word Sarah Perriam-Lampp.

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Chertsey arable project a glimpse into future

A paddock in Mid Canterbury is providing a platform for the Foundation for Arable Research to offer a glimpse into the future of arable farming. Words Heather Chalmers.

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Persistent yields with Stampede CM142

Kiwis know a thing or two about persistence, toughness and high performance. It’s the same qualities you’ll find in our new Stampede CM142 diploid perennial ryegrass with the CM142 endophyte. 

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What’s the Beef?

Over 1.8 million non-replacement calves are produced annually and processed at 4-7 days old in New Zealand. Matt Iremonger’s 2023 Nuffield report looks at the opportunity for beef on dairy to shift the value chain from dysfunctional to functional.

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In search of the holy grail

Tools available to farmers to help reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions are thin on the ground currently, but AgriZeroNZ is doubling down on its efforts to deliver the holy grail – a methane vaccine – with its recent investment in US start-up ArkeaBio. Words Rebecca Greaves.

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