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Should all your wealth be in your land?

When surplus capital is built up in the farm the instinct is often to buy the neighbouring block when it comes on the market. Words Angus Marks and Andrew Austin, Wealth Management, Jarden Wealth.

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No quick fix to eliminate crop weeds

South Canterbury grower Nigel Rathgen has had difficult-to-eliminate grass weeds in some cropping paddocks for a few years. Words Heather Chalmers.

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Broadening horizons through small group learning

Taking the opportunity to join an Action Group with other like-minded farmers opened Malcolm White’s eyes to new ideas and different perspectives, while giving him the confidence to follow his own path.

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Bringing the Tech to Merino for 35 years

If you follow good genetic principles, you make good progress. Words Dr Mark Ferguson.

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The role of a parasite management plan

If you discover drench resistance on your farm, a parasite management plan, specific to your farm, can be an important piece of the puzzle to ensure you have the tools and strategies to help tackle the problem with confidence. Words Sara Sutherland.

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Drench passport on the way?

As the drench resistance train continues at speed through the New Zealand sheep industry it is leaving many lamb purchasers asking ‘why can’t drench resistance be included on the Animal Status Declaration (ASD)?’ Words Ginny Dodunski.

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What’s the Beef?

Over 1.8 million non-replacement calves are produced annually and processed at 4-7 days old in New Zealand. Matt Iremonger’s 2023 Nuffield report looks at the opportunity for beef on dairy to shift the value chain from dysfunctional to functional.

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In search of the holy grail

Tools available to farmers to help reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions are thin on the ground currently, but AgriZeroNZ is doubling down on its efforts to deliver the holy grail – a methane vaccine – with its recent investment in US start-up ArkeaBio. Words Rebecca Greaves.

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Alliance Group takes blowtorch to costs to save co-op

Space has been shaved off at Alliance Group’s head office in Christchurch to save money spent on rent.

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Survival of the Fittest

Legacy structures are proving to be a major headache for the meat processing sector and the farmers supplying it with livestock. Words Tony Leggett.

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