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October/November 2023

Read Country-Wide October/November 2023 online here. Country-Wide is New Zealand’s only dedicated pastoral and arable farming magazine, available on subscription.

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Putting endophytes to the test

Without endophytes, ryegrasses suffer. Sandra Taylor reports on research into the fungi, their positives and negatives.

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Sourcing the funds

When banks won’t lend, it’s the place of other institutions to step in. By Phil Edmonds.

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Getting the maintenance right

The longer a lamb is on your farm, the more it costs to grow. By Andrew Roe.

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Outperforming or just average

What separates farms in the top 25% of performers from those at the bottom, vet Andrew Cochrane asks?

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Matariki cattle drive

Photographer Sarah Horrocks joins the roundup of Canterbury high country Cleardale Station’s herd of Angus cattle after an autumn spent on neighbouring Manuka Point.

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Joining the wool movement

Inspiring our bodies to move and igniting discussion about moving from synthetic to wool fibres, Move to Wool Movement Mat is one of many innovative small Kiwi businesses advocating for the future of strong wool. By Rebecca Greaves.

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Rock star status for strong wool

The story of wool is easy to tell. Wool is a just a haircut. It’s sustainable, natural and biodegradable, so it ticks many boxes. By Tony Leggett.

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Wool diversification

When Hayden and Anastasia Tristram met as medics in the army, they never imagined themselves farming, but the pull of returning to Hayden’s family farm at Wanstead eventually won out. Four years in, they are developing products to increase the value of their strong wool. By Rebecca Greaves.

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Managing stress: The essentials

Feeling irritable or overwhelmed? Clinical psychologist Sarah Donaldson offers suggestions of ways to cope.

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