Hard work builds success
Rob and Marie Burke have done the hard yards at Puketira Station and are still looking for ways to increase revenue and improve practice.
Story and photos by Louise Savage.
On the home straight
Efficiency and consistency are the hallmarks of a Southland couple’s farming operation who are out to enjoy their last 10 years of farming. Terry Brosnahan reports.
Photos by Chris Sullivan.
The big cleanup
There’s years of clean up and rebuilding waiting for the victims of Gabrielle. Photographer Louise Savage lives in the thick of the flooded Gisborne region and post-flood went to visit some of the locals dealing with the cyclone’s aftermath.
Access and fencing top priorities
An 80-year-old English poplar fell onto stockyards on the Northland farm of former agriculture minister Sir Lockwood Smith during Cyclone Gabrielle, costing him $20,000 to reinstate.
By Glenys Christian
Mycoplasma bovis: Reviewing the reviews
In part four of the Mycoplasma bovis series, Nicola Dennis delivers a timeline that delves into the detail – the good, the bad and the ugly – as New Zealand battled to control the M bovis outbreak.
Lamb hopeful $7.60 by June
Lamb at $6.60/kg carcaseweight (CW) felt like such a time in the doldrums, given the super summer prices of 2022.
Dirty deeds done dirt cheap
In part three of the Mycoplasma bovis series, Nicola Dennis looks at the impact of the eradication programme on meat processors.
First Nudies set for auction
Sheep farmers will have their first chance to buy ‘Nudie’ ram lambs at an auction at Masterton Showgrounds on March 1.
Sheep taking the plunge
It's not quite a swiss hot tub experience but it’s getting close.
Do more than change the drench
Vet Trevor Cook spent his Christmas break getting wiser about sheep.