
Drench recipe no longer applies

On most sheep and beef breeding farms the risk of developing drench resistance comes more from actions behind the farm gate than from what’s coming through it, vet Ginny Dodunski writes.

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Test highlights power of genetics

Breeding is permanent and cumulative and can result in reduced costs as well as improved animal health and welfare. Sandra Taylor reports.

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A complex, well-run operation

Stocking rates are high on award-winning Wairere Station. By Tony Leggett.

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Feral to flourishing

Terawhiti is on Wellington city’s boundaries and is one of New Zealand’s oldest farms. It also shares the wind with the Capital, with a power company generating electricity and income for the farm. Report and photos by Sarah Horrocks.

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No better, no worse off

In the second part of a series on Mycoplasma bovis, ag scientist Nicola Dennis investigates the science of human trauma and the moral injustice of the M bovis eradication programme.

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Petfood industry booms

Petfood has joined infant formula in the emotional marketing of products. By Glenys Christian.

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Top diet and sleep means more bark

A nearly five-year study of farm dogs in the South Island has given owners and vets a lot to chew on. Annabelle Latz reports.

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Drought prompts rethink

Drought alternating with extreme wet weather has prompted a Golden Bay couple to adopt a mixed pasture regime on their lease blocks. By Anne Hardie.

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