
The breed or buy-in ewes question

More profitable alternative enterprises may be accommodated if replacement stock are bought or grazed off farm, Tom Ward writes.

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A durable farming partnership

An equity partnership that allowed a father and son to farm has finished, but the winning Wairarapa pair are still farming. By Terry Brosnahan. Photos by Mark Coote.

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Big call downsizing NZ ag

Vet Trevor Cook has been visiting Scotland and Denmark, catching up on changes to farm practices.

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Mycoplasma bovis (and the lessons we have yet to learn)

In the first in a series on Mycoplasma bovis (M bovis), ag scientist Nicola Dennis traces the history of New Zealand’s outbreak and some of the lessons.

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Ewes need to pull weight

Mating starts at weaning, and the target body condition score is 3.0 - and that’s the goal, not the average, Dwayne Cowin writes.

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Check the trace element tank

Deficiencies of trace elements, unless severe, usually go unnoticed, Vet Trevor Cook writes.

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The laws of farming

Despite high-flying careers in London, a young couple couldn’t resist the call of home and the family’s Rangitikei farm. Story and photos by Sarah Horrocks.

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Number cruncher at Totara Hills

A 100% trading policy allows a couple to take advantage of opportunities and reduces the risks the region’s climate delivers. By Tony Leggett.

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Doing things their way

Taking on a long lease for a family farm at the top of the South Island after years working overseas means a couple are free to make decisions. Story and photos by Anne Hardie.

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Study identifies ewe wastage numbers

A ewe wastage study on 37 sheep farms across New Zealand last year found that on average, 30 out of every 100 ewes left their flocks between mating and post-weaning.

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