
When cash is the biggest need

Like other costs, those for animal health have soared, vet Trevor Cook writes.

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Mum’s the word

Driving up lamb growth rates on mum has the potential to overcome the worm challenge, Ginny Dodunski writes.

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Isolating ewe wastage

Identifying exact ewe wastage percentages and their cause remains difficult, vet Rachael Fouhy writes.

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Breeding out the cost

For too long, opportunities to breed out the cost have largely been ignored in ram selection, Mark Ferguson writes.

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Cool sheep scheme $4.2m baags full

A programme is underway to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions from this country’s sheep flock by encouraging the measurement and uptake of low methane genetics.

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A sheared interest

A North Canterbury couple have a joint interest in judging competition shearing. By Annabelle Latz.

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Tag cost fear in EID move

Joint state-federal funding would be made available via a rebate scheme to support the implementation of individual electronic identification (EID) across the NSW sheep and farmed-goat industry. The move is part of a national Australian plan.

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Good design, happier life

Time spent working in sheep yards can range from satisfying to relationship straining. An ergonomically designed set of yards can not only save time, money and marriages, it will also bring the fun back to sheep work, James Hoban writes.

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In search of the perfect sheep

The New Zealand sheep industry has had many discussions over the years about the perfect sheep and how that fits into the diverse range of farming conditions. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, but a group of farmers and a scientist are working on that idea. By Sarah Horrocks.

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Wool away

BJ Holdsworth has many strings to his bow. Louise Savage reports on the switch to Wiltshire sheep and the hunting business.

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