
Pest to Profit?

Goats get a bad rap as feral pests and are often remembered as a fledgling industry that went bust in the 80s. But the tide has turned and New Zealand Cashmere believes there has never been a better time to diversify into cashmere and integrate goats into farming systems in New Zealand. Words Rebecca Greaves.

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Episode 30 – What is the key to successful farm succession?

Farm succession is something that affects every farming family at some point - whether it be from parent to child, or outside the family unit, there are many ways to approach it, and definitely no silver bullet.
Hear from three people who know succession’s in-and-outs best:, a farmer currently in the succession process; a rural banking expert; and a family succession planning consultant.

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A new blanket approach

A scheme to find value-added markets for a family farm’s wool clip is now a full-fledged industry. Words and Photos by Malcolm Pullman

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Rural/urban divide exaggerated

Don’t under-estimate the benefits of bringing up a family in the country,

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Catering for glampers

Identifying the target market and providing what it wants is essential for farmers wishing to diversify into the accommodation business. By Lynda Gray.

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The changing face of farming

Onfarm diversification can bring both motivational and economic stimulation to the benefit of your farming operation. By Ken Geenty.

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Working dogs: A tart treat for dogs

There is a saying, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but after turning to pet food production after 50 years of farming, John Newlands may beg to differ.

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Quality with every cut

Expanding their successful online Homegrown Farm Fresh Meats business to a bricks and mortar butchery and deli was a whirlwind for Wairarapa farmers Dion and Ali Kilmister. Story: Rebecca Greaves. Photos supplied by Homegrown.

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