Country-Wide Winter 2024

Investigating regenerative agriculture in a dryland system

On-Farm Research is now two years into a project investigating Regenerative Agriculture (RA) and what role this might play in a dryland farming system. Words Paul Muir, On-Farm Research

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Beefing up health

Blood tests from people eating beef from animals fed a functional, diverse pasture mix – sown so the animals can decide what they eat – have higher levels of vitamin E and several other compounds that can be beneficial to human health.

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Forecasting Canterbury’s 1992 snowstorm

As the quality of forecasting has got better, (accuracy being only one aspect) the opportunity to make smart farming decisions has increased.
Words Annabelle Allott.

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When the going gets tough

When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Sheep and beef farmers are weathering a difficult season, and we spoke to industry professionals about their advice for getting through. Words Sandra Taylor

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Managing challenges

Motukawa Station is the engine room at the centre of the 5000 hectare Plimmer & Co farming operation. New manager Rimu Wipaki is looking to make changes that will harness its Taihape hill country power and lift productivity in both the sheep and beef operations.
Words & Photos Sarah Horrocks

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Live export ban drags on

Live cattle export has been a contentious issue, banned by the previous government, exporters and farmer suppliers are hoping a new gold standard accreditation can lead to the ban being overturned by August. But time is ticking, as politicians wait for advice from Ministry for Primary Industries officials before making a decision.
Words Tony Leggett

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Waste not, want not

From the wine to the waste industry. WM New Zealand Managing Director Evan Maehl has gone from producing the wine to collecting the empty bottle from the kerbside, and he couldn’t be happier. He explains why waste is sexy, and why we should all care about it.

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Winter 2024

Read Country-Wide Winter 2024 online here. Country-Wide is New Zealand’s only dedicated pastoral and arable farming magazine, available on subscription.

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Regenerating nature through collaboration

Farmers are conservationists at heart. Telling our story around the good work being done to enhance biodiversity on farm is key, and organisations like the Sustainable Business Network are partnering with businesses and landowners to access funds to help fast-track important biodiversity work on farms.

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