Country-Wide media


Below you’ll find a list of all publicly available articles from Country-Wide magazine


 Category Country-Wide

Measurement inaccurate

October 3, 2021

Global leaders are soon to continue negotiations around tackling climate change and Beef + Lamb New Zealand is pushing…
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 Category Country-Wide

Reflective farming regenerates 

October 3, 2021

Canterbury’s Inverary Station has scrutinised its beef and sheep business with  outstanding results.  Sandra Taylor…
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 Category Country-Wide Young Country

Finding the winners

October 3, 2021

Emma Pettigrew enjoys working out what’s best in her new role at Wairarapa stud farm…
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 Category Country-Wide

Counting the beat

September 28, 2021

By LYNDA GRAY West Otago farmer Brian Howden has ticked off his 53rd consecutive lambing…
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 Category Country-Wide

So you wanna be a stud?

September 28, 2021

Geneticist and farmer Nicola Dennis reflects on the breeding of valuable sheep. Last season, we sent almost all of our…
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 Category Country-Wide

Calculator works out the numbers

September 28, 2021

Sheep and beef farmers are being encouraged to make use of Beef + Lamb New…
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 Category Country-Wide

Fewer but better sheep needed

September 28, 2021

Phil Journeaux examines the work done to help farmers reduce GHG emissions. The response to…
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 Category Country-Wide

Long grass farming a winner

September 28, 2021

The use of fescue with clovers has transformed a Southland farm bordering Fiordland, Terry Brosnahan…
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 Category Country-Wide

Capturing the swing to natural

September 28, 2021

By TONY LEGGETT A new strategy to promote wool and educate people on its many…
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 Category Country-Wide

Wool’s colour and future is bright

September 28, 2021

After a lifetime working with strong-wool sheep, Dan and Barbara Ramsden are moving on from…
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 Category Country-Wide

Breeding for worm resistance

September 28, 2021

The answer to the problem of drench resistance is simple. Increase the strength of the…
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 Category Country-Wide

Value in taking your time

September 28, 2021

By DAYANNE ALMEIDA By now you would have received a ram order form from a…
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