Young Country

Training city kids for farms

The Growing Future Farmers programme has gone nationwide with 80 students learning about farming, hands-on.

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Delivering delectable lamb

The daughters of a Marlborough high country farming couple have created a sustainable family business offering Merino lamb direct to consumers. Rebecca Greaves reports.

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On a roll with wool

After school, it was a choice of working in a bank or picking up the shearing handpiece for a young Northland woman. Shearing won. By Glenys Christian. Photos: Malcolm Pullman.

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Wonderful wool coats

Inspiration for a product originating on the family farm came from standing on the cold winter sidelines of a rugby match.

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Learning wool’s wonders

Wool in schools, a project that educates Kiwi school children about the wonders of wool, will see its 25,000th student pass through its ‘wool sheds’ in August.

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Agency responds to equity challenge

Rising land values and challenges for young farmers to secure bank funding have prompted Bayleys Eastern Realty to promote its equity partnership initiative.

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Low cost and simple

A young Rangitikei couple are farming family lease blocks with the aim of eventually buying their own farm, Russell Priest writes. Photos: Brad Hanson.

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Champion lamb country

A King Country farm manager and her team have a reputation for finishing good lambs on hill country, Mike Bland writes.

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Taking to the handpiece

Alex Clapman Typifies the West Otago community spirit that drove the ‘Shear 4 Blair’ Waitangi Weekend shearing marathon.

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