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Outperforming or just average
What separates farms in the top 25% of performers from those at the bottom, vet Andrew Cochrane asks?
Matariki cattle drive
Photographer Sarah Horrocks joins the roundup of Canterbury high country Cleardale Station’s herd of Angus cattle after an autumn spent on neighbouring Manuka Point.
Joining the wool movement
Inspiring our bodies to move and igniting discussion about moving from synthetic to wool fibres, Move to Wool Movement Mat is one of many innovative small Kiwi businesses advocating for the future of strong wool. By Rebecca Greaves.
Rock star status for strong wool
The story of wool is easy to tell. Wool is a just a haircut. It’s sustainable, natural and biodegradable, so it ticks many boxes. By Tony Leggett.
Wool diversification
When Hayden and Anastasia Tristram met as medics in the army, they never imagined themselves farming, but the pull of returning to Hayden’s family farm at Wanstead eventually won out. Four years in, they are developing products to increase the value of their strong wool. By Rebecca Greaves.
Managing stress: The essentials
Feeling irritable or overwhelmed? Clinical psychologist Sarah Donaldson offers suggestions of ways to cope.
Developing a legacy
A former World War I soldier’s ballot block is now a self-sufficient off-grid farm for a Tasman family. Story and photos by Annabelle Latz.
Sheep poo FE research
B+LNZ is appealing for samples of sheep poo is to help understand how widespread facial eczema (FE) is in NZ and help fill gaps in the understanding of its prevalence and whether a warming climate is affecting its distribution.
Time to bask
Chris Biddles marks some important anniversaries, and – unlike many – relishes the rain.
Leading the way with best practice
NZ Merino’s brand ZQ has aligned to the Responsible Wool Standard, with one of the requirements being that all sheep receive pain relief for tailing, castration and shearing wounds.