
A triumph of adaptation

Sustainable farmers are not defeatist, but handle change, are innovative and efficient, Jacqueline Rowarth writes.

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Know your environment

Come rain, wind or drought, Kerry Dwyer steps up for his region’s climate.

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Market test for biodiversity credits

A system to fund farm-based biodiversity projects is under development, Joanna Grigg writes.

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Nothing comes from nothing

Nutrition for plants and animals have to come from somewhere, agricultural scientist Jacqueline Rowarth writes.

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Is fodder beet’s light fading?

Failure to understand the importance of supplements and trace elements to fully feed livestock may be turning farmers off growing fodder beet. By Lynda Gray.

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Methane matters

Unlike carbon dioxide, methane is a fast and furious gas, but it doesn’t need to be a liability. Sandra Taylor reports.

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Solar vision

Following a boom overseas, the power of the sun is about to be captured by Kiwi farmers. By Delwyn Dickey.

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The tree planting gamble

Planting 10% of a farm in trees has extra benefits with little loss of production. Annabelle Latz reports.

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Nursery for the future

Native trees and shrubs grown in the farm nursery provide a fresh focus for a Waikato farming couple. By Glenys Christian. Photos by Emma McCarthy.

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Political answer needed

Agriculture’s industry groups need to lobby for a public discussion on farming’s contribution to atmospheric cooling, advocacy group Groundswell says. By Terry Brosnahan.

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