
Count farm vegetation

Established planted trees and covenanted bush are a feature of the Mandenos’ north Waikato farm, but existing rules mean there’s a dismal amount for carbon offsets. By Glenys Christian. Photos by Anna Mandeno.

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More proposed rules

Farmers have until July 21 to give feedback on the national policy statement for indigenous biodiversity. Joanna Grigg reports.

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Proposed methane price damaging

The proposed methane price would likely see an overshoot in meeting the Government’s emissions reduction targets, and cause unnecessary economic damage. Joanna Grigg reports.

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Re-examining the urine patch

The suggestion that dairy cow urine is the source of so many environmental problems deserves re-examination, Jacqueline Rowarth writes.

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Why plant natives?

Trees don’t have to all be green, writes Peter Arthur who enjoys the colours of deciduous species.

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Six out of 39 ways to save the planet

Nicola Dennis eases the pain of menial work with the therapy of podcasts.

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Exotic bombshell a step too far

A forestry consultant and ecologist recommends exclusion of exotic trees from the forestry section of Emissions Trading Scheme should be pared back. By Joanna Grigg.

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Why tax a natural cycle?

He Waka Eke Noa was due to deliver its advice to climate change and agriculture ministers at the end of May. Missing, would be the question of why a natural biological carbon cycle was being taxed at all

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Flaws and mistrust swamp He Waka Eke Noa

Three well-known names in agriculture have got together to challenge He Waka Eke Noa proposals, James Hoban writes.

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