
Flaws and mistrust swamp He Waka Eke Noa

Three well-known names in agriculture have got together to challenge He Waka Eke Noa proposals, James Hoban writes.

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Study shows how to drop GHG 22%

A new era of counting and paying for greenhouse gases is approaching and dairy beef animals offer a way through the maze, Joanna Grigg writes.

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Cedars – I was wrong

Peter Arthur has been planting trees on his Hawke’s Bay farm for 51 years and shares his wisdom.

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Lessons to learn from Ireland

Lincoln University scientist Nic Lees looks at Ireland’s Origin Green programme, how it is implemented in the Irish beef industry and its relevance to New Zealand.

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He Waka Eke Noa alternatives

Rural pressure group Groundswell has prepared alternative proposals to He Waka Eke Noa options and is seeking farmer input to remove duplication, reduce costs, empower farmers and reward, rather than penalise, environmental efforts, James Hoban writes.

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NZ farms are regenerative

A snapshot study of farming's impact on meat quality, found most of Kiwi agriculture is regenerative, Jo Cuttance writes.

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Industry leaders need to listen

Sharing the pain of reducing emissions will create winners and losers and to attempt to present a united front on this topic is much harder, James Hoban writes.

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Why fence bush to make it eligible?

Joanna Grigg questions the proposed stock exclusion rule for 15+ year indigenous forest to be eligible for sequestration. He Waka Eke Noa should not have a blanket requirement for stock exclusion when some larger forest/bush, with natural boundaries, can regenerate alongside light grazing. Incentivise pest control instead, she says.

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Farm dam regulations upset

Farm dam safety is subject to regulations being assembled by government and councils, upsetting farmers. Story: Glenys Christian Photos: Alex Wallace

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