
The Best Ever Pikelet Recipe

Pikelets are not just for smoko in our house. In fact, sometimes when there is no bread in the house, and the Weetbix box is just crumbs, we make pikelets for breakfast. Words & Photos Philippa Cameron.

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Irish Loaves

This is one of my favourite recipes. The loaves are super moist and will last a long time in the tin thanks to the ‘Irish component’. I am a big advocate for baking two things at once – one to butter and one to freeze. And in this case, you can make two loaves turn into four little cute Christmas cakes, or one to gift and one loaf for you to slice and butter with a cuppa when you find two minutes to sit down during the silly season. Words & Photos Philippa Cameron.

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Berry Forest Slice

Once spring arrives, we all have itching feet to get the barbecue out and entertain. Invitations to the neighbours for a few chops and beverages seem appealing as we get out of winter mode. But you can’t turn up empty handed. If you are like me, you always like to take something despite being told ‘just bring yourselves’. This slice is perfect for that occasion. Great to have as a sweet treat at the end of the night, and any leftovers can be left at your host’s house to munch on the following day. Words & Photos Philippa Cameron.

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Tasty savoury pizza scrolls

A super easy recipe for a fuelling snack from the talented Philippa Cameron of what’s for smoko.

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