Country-Wide Sheep 2023

Soil organic matter is not free

The importance of soil organic matter has been known for centuries, but soil scientist Dr Doug Edmeades says we could still be managing it better.

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Swift action needed for markets

AgriHQ senior analyst Mel Croad has been following lamb export markets and prices and says this red-meat season has got to be better than last.

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I am right, you are wrong

How to negotiate the world of entrenched views is increasingly the sort of question being asked by students as they progress through university. By Derrick Moot.

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Local lamb on Chinese menus

Gone are the days when imported products were always seen as better in China. Hunter McGregor reports from Shanghai.

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Inda shaping up to be red hot

Lamb and mutton exports to India have bounced back to pre-Covid levels, but there are mixed feelings among meat companies about growth there. By Glenys Christian.

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Prudent forage and crop strategy

Annual reviews of forages and crops for sheep and cattle will mean better results. By Dr Ken Geenty.

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Good design, happier life

Time spent working in sheep yards can range from satisfying to relationship straining. An ergonomically designed set of yards can not only save time, money and marriages, it will also bring the fun back to sheep work, James Hoban writes.

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In search of the perfect sheep

The New Zealand sheep industry has had many discussions over the years about the perfect sheep and how that fits into the diverse range of farming conditions. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, but a group of farmers and a scientist are working on that idea. By Sarah Horrocks.

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Wool away

BJ Holdsworth has many strings to his bow. Louise Savage reports on the switch to Wiltshire sheep and the hunting business.

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Genetics and quality feed drive growth

Farming in tough Otago country has its challenges, but careful stock selection and the ability to change direction when necessary is proving successful for a Southland couple. By Annabelle Latz.

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