Country-Wide August-September 2023

Managing tough times

Increasing productivity without adding costs is one of the most effective strategies for remaining profitable in tough financial times. Sandra Taylor writes.

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Part of the solution

Farmers, particularly young ones, want to be part of the policy-making system with environmental regulation. By Anne Hardie.

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Money better in the bank

Critics say the government would be better off selling its farming operation, Landcorp. By Terry Brosnahan and Glenys Christian.

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Hard to get a job from a poor man

Rather than focus on money, NZ should be focusing on education to resolve society’s ills, Paul Burt writes.

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Dear Aunty Thistledown – Gaslighting

My neighbour keeps telling us people are gaslighting her. I want to know what she means. But I am scared to google it. Not after the pegging debacle. Anyway, if gaslighting is a sex thing, just say it's a sex thing and leave it at that. I don’t need to know what goes where. Many thanks, Fine with being a prude

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Over it: Gisborne’s big wet

The rain continues to fall in the Gisborne region and Louise Savage is just one of many who’s had enough.

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August/September 2023

Read Country-Wide August/September 2023 online here. Country-Wide is New Zealand’s only dedicated pastoral and arable farming magazine, available on subscription.

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