Country-Wide August-September 2023
RPR’s rocky road
Not so long ago RPR was seen as the new fertiliser saviour, but science and experience has shown it to be less of a success than first predicted and promoted. By Dr Doug Edmeades.
South Island maize delivers
Higher and more consistent crop yields are driving the increased use of maize silage as a supplementary feed option across the South Island.
An integrated system
The pros and cons for integrating livestock and arable production were discussed in depth and from many angles at a recent industry field day, Sandra Taylor writes.
The ultimate Headstart
Headstart has become a trusted option for broadleaf weed control in pasture, clover, clover seed crops, lucerne and chicory.
Giving cultivar confidence
Independently run cereal performance trials have given arable growers confidence that the cultivars they are selecting have been tested in commercial conditions and their performance rigorously analysed.
Sugar beet a winner
David Walston writes from the UK where weather and pricing are dictating his planting schedule.
Realising catch crops
With the right timing and a bit of patience, catch crops can reward growers with high-yielding supplementary feed crops that can generate gross margins of more than $1000/ha. By Sandra Taylor.
Set-stocking the flock
Say Waiouru and we automatically think 'army town', but just down the road on the North Island’s Central Plateau, a couple is gaining top sheep fertility and growth rates in a tough environment. Tony Leggett reports.
Building blocks of IMF
Farming beef cattle with the right combination of genetics and raised within a strict regimented feeding plan to the appropriate processing age will result in beef carcases with the coveted intramuscular fat (IMF) demanded by consumers around the world.