Beef + Lamb New Zealand

Cow condition score is regarded as a big influencer of conception rate

Body Condition Score (BCS) data over several years shows a straight-line relationship to mating success. Words by Tony Leggett.

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Farmer Time celebrates successful first year

Farmer Time, an education programme that connects New Zealand school students (Years 1 – 8) and their teachers with farmers and growers across the country, proudly announces a highly successful completion of its first year.

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Pothole downgrades prediction

Based on Beef + Lamb New Zealand’s October prediction, farmers expected 2022/23 to be a reasonable year but lamb hit a pothole and mutton prices choked.

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LA focus for grass-fed beef campaign

Anyone driving around Los Angeles County over the next few weeks will soon become very familiar with the attributes of New Zealand’s grass-fed beef.

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Industry advocacy crucial for ag’s future

By Jim van der Poel, DairyNZ; Andrew Morrison, Beef + Lamb NZ

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Rod Slater to hang up the apron

 Beef +Lamb NZ chief executive Rod Slater is stepping down after 27 years. Glenys Christian spoke with him to find out more about his time at the helm promoting beef and lamb.

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