Public articles

Episode 23 – Surviving tough times on farm

Cutting costs is the obvious solution, but it’s important to continue investing in your farm business, even during tough financial times. We hear from those in the rural business industry about what farmers can practically do now to keep afloat, and how to stay hopeful for the future when pressures ease again.

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Enhanced extension model for B+LNZ

Beef + Lamb New Zealand is changing up its extension delivery model, focusing on making a difference behind the farm gate and farmer learning, with a new small group offering set to roll out in 2025. General manager extension, Justine Kidd, explains what this will mean for farmers. Words Rebecca Greaves.

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Forecasting Canterbury’s 1992 snowstorm

As the quality of forecasting has got better, (accuracy being only one aspect) the opportunity to make smart farming decisions has increased.
Words Annabelle Allott.

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Episode 22 – Exciting times ahead for the deer industry

Those in New Zealand’s deer industry have an exciting future ahead of them, Following the recent Deer Industry NZ conference, we talk to Ron Schroeder about his hope for the future of deer, and how we got here. And we speak to DINZ executive chef, Graham Brown, who shares his love for venison and its versatility, and gives us some tips for cooking venison at home.

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Episode 21 – Live exports – a question of reputation?

Reinstating live animal exports from New Zealand is currently on the table under the new coalition government, and is drawing attention from all sides of the debate.
In this episode, we hear from Julia Jones, who asks what reputation we want New Zealand to have; Dr Helen Beattie, a veterinarian who advocates for animal welfare; and Brent Wallace, who sees this as an opportunity to lead the industry.

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Live export ban drags on

Live cattle export has been a contentious issue, banned by the previous government, exporters and farmer suppliers are hoping a new gold standard accreditation can lead to the ban being overturned by August. But time is ticking, as politicians wait for advice from Ministry for Primary Industries officials before making a decision.
Words Tony Leggett

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How to buy the right bull

Being clear on your desired outcome is the first step to ensure you end up with a bull-team well suited to your particular needs.

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Eye fillet of beef & green tomato salad

Although eye fillet of beef may not have the extra flavour of say, scotch or sirloin, it has always been a favourite of mine when entertaining. It can be enjoyed cooked to blue, rare, medium-rare or even medium, if you must! Recipe & Words Kathy Paterson, Photo Tam West.

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AngusPRO: A progressive approach

AngusPRO is committed to bettering Angus cattle within the New Zealand beef industry and ensuring Angus is the tastiest beef on everyone’s lips. Words by Sarah Horrocks.

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