Getting in shape

After a very good start in life for her weaners, Micha Johansen sheds a tear as a bunch go off to new homes. 

In Home Block6 Minutes
Thanks, neighbour. Remains of the boundary fire.

After a very good start in life for her weaners, Micha Johansen sheds a tear as a bunch go off to new homes. 

The first 100kg plus weaner sale was on today (November 9), so 22 wee beauties have been sent off to new homes, after a few tears from me.  I always hate seeing them go, but TJ, and farm size, dictate that go they must.  I do take some solace that I have given them the best start that I possibly can, and hopefully they are off to pastures green.

Of the 22, eight were heifers and 14 we steered.  This is the first time we have steered them prior to sale, so, depending on how well they go, will determine whether we steer the remainder, or not.  TJ, aiming to save himself a job, is hoping not. (Update – the steers sold for $480, and the heifers for $450, so we will leave the remainder as bulls, for now).

The ratio of 8:14 is pretty much how our calving season went.  Bull calves vastly dominated, meaning I ran out of blue tags, and had plenty of yellow left over.  

In previous years, when we needed to breed replacements, we would have been tearing our hair out, but with the vast majority of them now being Angus X, we are quite happy to have that ratio.  Here’s hoping the six beauty bulls we have out with the herd currently, provide similar calves next year.

A few months ago, Eketahuna was lucky to have a personal trainer move into town.  Having sat growing unfitter (and fatter) by the year, I took a deep breath, and signed myself up.  

On a positive note, I do enjoy having the occasional ‘oh shit’ test, to see how I cope, and I think I came through that one with flying colours.

I finally had the realisation that even though I could save money and just exercise by myself, truth is, I don’t.  And maybe, just maybe, it was an investment in my health rather than a cost.  Hopefully investing in my health at this end, will create savings at the other, or some such thing.

I started with 30 minute sessions, once a week, for four weeks.  After the very first session I could barely walk for four days afterwards.  Six weeks later I am now up to one 45-minute personal session, and one 45-minute group session a week. 

My squat technique has vastly improved, my run is less of a shuffle, and I’ve only nearly puked twice.  Still a long way to go, but I am enjoying it. I really do need to kick myself in the pants, to do some exercise at home now as  I don’t think a few holes of golf with Dad, once a week, is quite cutting it.

Today, however, I got two rounds of exercise.  I had just returned home from my personal training session, when TJ appeared at the door in somewhat of a panic.  TJ never panics.  

My first thought was ‘my calves!’, but no, it appears a neighbour was burning tree debris, a spark must have flown into our boundary trees, and the undergrowth was now on fire.  My first question was, of course, ‘have you phoned 111?’  ‘No, it’s not that bad’, was the reply, so off we went.

TJ jumped on the tractor, with bucket, and I headed down on the quad.  We bucketed water from the swamp (I fell in, which did not help my mood), into the tractor bucket, then headed down to the fire. We bucketed said water on to the fire, all the while swearing at the non-existent neighbour.  

The neighbour eventually re-appeared and, after some bellowing by me (I can be frighteningly loud) they finally looked up, whereupon they received some gestures and words involving ‘fire’, and another one that begins with ‘f’.

We then headed off for another bucket load of water, and when we got back the neighbour was there, thankfully with a water tank and sprayer on the bike.  They still got told that I was not impressed, which they agreed that I had every right not to be.  

Once all the embers were extinguished TJ stayed behind for a bit of a neighbourly chat, as I headed home for some lunch, which is how our partnership works.  I am the screaming banshee, and TJ is the jovial sane one.

On a positive note, I do enjoy having the occasional ‘oh shit’ test, to see how I cope, and I think I came through that one with flying colours.