
Beginners’ guide to climate change research

Overcoming a specific form of writer’s block, Nicola Dennis sorts through the nuts and bolts of human awareness of climate change.

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Decision time for farmers

Farmers need to tune in fast to pricing proposals for agricultural emissions, writes Joanna Grigg.

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He Waka could be a stop-gap

In the first of a series Country-Wide investigates the Primary Sector Climate Action Partnership’s (He Waka Eke Noa) proposed greenhouse gas emissions pricing options. Terry Brosnahan reports.

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Only one side of the story

Calls for New Zealand farmers to follow the example proposed for the Netherlands fail to acknowledge reality, Jacqueline Rowarth writes.

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Carbon forestry spreading

An update of sales of pastoral land has sparked fresh concern about the increase in that bought for carbon forestry as well as movement into better-quality land and more areas of the country.

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Realities of sheep and cattle farming

With its large cattle and sheep populations, a country like New Zealand is dealing with waste from not five million but the equivalent of more than 100m humans. By Ken Geenty.

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Cheaper by the thousands

Life-long tree grower Peter Arthur offers advice on tree selection, costs and care.

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