Benchmark your sheep flock

In Brand Spotlight1 Minutes

A FREE flock health benchmarking tool has been created to allow sheep farmers to measure their farm management against best-practice with the aim of helping them improve animal health, farm productivity and profitability.

The tool works by the user answering a series of multichoice questions across 5 key areas and selecting the answer that best describes the current farming practices. The information provided is then used to highlight areas of strength and weakness and helps identify where small changes to management practices may help maximise productivity.

Farmers are encouraged to share the results with their animal health advisor (and the tool helps facilitate this) with the aim of developing an action plan and a list of priorities.

The benchmarking tool is available at and was created by MSD Animal Health’s team of veterinarians.

ACVM No’s A934, A9028. AVAILABLE ONLY UNDER VETERINARY AUTHORISATION. ACVM No’s: A4769. A9535. Schering-Plough Animal Health Ltd. Ph: 0800 800 543. © 2024 Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, NJ, USA and its affiliates. All rights reserved. NZ-CVX-240500001