Young Blood

Episode 24 – Inspiring young farmers into the industry

How do we keep the next generation and beyond engaged in the agriculture sector? In order to keep the agriculture sector growing, we have to get young people interested and provide training pathways. Hear from Farmer Time in Schools, which connects primary and intermediate-aged children with different farming systems across the country, and the Waipaoa Farm Cadet Training Trust, who train up the next generation of farmers in their skills-based cadetship.

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City kid’s farming dream

Angus Grant’s path into farming has been quite different compared to a country kid. The 21-year-old, who grew up in Christchurch, has wanted to be a farmer since he was barely out of nappies. Words By Annabelle Latz

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Trio of awards for Dairy Industry Share Farmers of the Year

The theme of the farming community supporting each other was one echoed by many of the finalists at the New Zealand Dairy Industry Award in Auckland on Saturday, May 13. By Claire Ashton.

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Training city kids for farms

The Growing Future Farmers programme has gone nationwide with 80 students learning about farming, hands-on.

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Delivering delectable lamb

The daughters of a Marlborough high country farming couple have created a sustainable family business offering Merino lamb direct to consumers. Rebecca Greaves reports.

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On a roll with wool

After school, it was a choice of working in a bank or picking up the shearing handpiece for a young Northland woman. Shearing won. By Glenys Christian. Photos: Malcolm Pullman.

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Wonderful wool coats

Inspiration for a product originating on the family farm came from standing on the cold winter sidelines of a rugby match.

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Learning wool’s wonders

Wool in schools, a project that educates Kiwi school children about the wonders of wool, will see its 25,000th student pass through its ‘wool sheds’ in August.

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Agency responds to equity challenge

Rising land values and challenges for young farmers to secure bank funding have prompted Bayleys Eastern Realty to promote its equity partnership initiative.

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