Wool or Shed?
To stay or shed?
Passionate strong wool growers need patience to stand the test of time whilst shedding sheep flaunt their more attractive financials. Wool prices still need to move higher again before farmers can bank a profit from their wool clip, but the tables are turning at last - what will you choose? Words Tony Leggett.
Wool Impact announces game-changing breakthrough for strong wool
There can only be one way for farm gate prices for strong wool - and it’s up! Wool Impact knows it will be what farmers judge their performance on, so how far away is it? Words Tony Leggett Photos Wool Impact.
Taking low-value wool to the wall
A self-confessed ‘wool evangelist’, Brad Stuart has turned his passion for wool as an undervalued product into a thriving wool insulation business. Words Tony Leggett.
‘Minister of Wool’ on a mission
Helping to guide the strong wool industry to greater prosperity is much more than a government role for Associate Agriculture Minister Mark Patterson. It’s personal. Words Tony Leggett, Photos Mark Patterson.
Wool price rises as exporters caught short
A more accurate picture of the impact on wool production from the loss of land to pines and shift to shedding sheep will be clear in December-January when shearing gets underway and wool starts arriving in stores around the country. Words Tony Leggett.
Wool colour crucial to price
A report from the Campaign for Wool NZ Trust chairman Ryan Cosgrove shows colour is the most important attribute of strong wool, accounting for 48% of the variability in price at auction. Words Tony Leggett.
A Game of Two Halves
When 70% of the workload in running sheep is generated by the wool they grow, it is unsurprising farmers are exploring new breeds that grow less fibre or naturally shed it completely. Tony Leggett investigates two farm businesses on different sides of the field. Words Tony Leggett.