Farm technician’s dream job
Bella Taylor is living her dream. Based in Manapouri, Bella works as a farm technician for Pāmu, collecting data from the stud breeding and research programmes under way on four of the 13 Pāmu farms in Southland’s Te Anau Basin. Words Sandra Taylor.
Pāmu sets ambitious target to rear 100% of dairy calves
State-owned farming entity Pāmu is gearing up to rear all the calves born on its dairy farms by 2030, doubling its current level across 40,000 dairy cows. Words by Sheryl Haitana.
Once-bred-heifer renaissance
Bob Thomson extols the benefits of once-bred-heifers and reasons why it could be a good fit for farmers especially those who don’t like running bulls, as they are more predictable, less risky, and highly profitable.