
SFF targets premium market

When market conditions improve, prices should rebound faster for Silver Fern Farms because of its close relationships with customers committed through premium supply programmes. Tony Leggett reports.

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Aussie market collapsing while China weak

China’s consumer confidence has slumped, putting pressure on a market flooded with Australian sheep meat ahead of drought. By Tony Leggett.

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Challenge in China

Northern Hemisphere Christmas and Chinese New Year celebrations are likely to influence the direction of lamb, mutton and beef pricing, Tony Leggett reports.

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Composite sheep advantage is not huge

Tom Ward looks at the advantages and disadvantages of composite sheep.

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Lamb hopeful $7.60 by June

Lamb at $6.60/kg carcaseweight (CW) felt like such a time in the doldrums, given the super summer prices of 2022.

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Pothole downgrades prediction

Based on Beef + Lamb New Zealand’s October prediction, farmers expected 2022/23 to be a reasonable year but lamb hit a pothole and mutton prices choked.

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Flexibility key for top lambs

Growing lambs as fast as you can is key to gaining high profitability, Ken Geenty writes.

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Lamb prices hit record levels

As restaurants start reopening in export markets, lamb prices have recovered to reach record levels. Mel Croad reports.

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AgResearch lamb rearing technical manual

AgResearch has just completed an update of its orphan lamb rearing guide for farmers, first published in June 2020.

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