
Episode 24 – Inspiring young farmers into the industry

How do we keep the next generation and beyond engaged in the agriculture sector? In order to keep the agriculture sector growing, we have to get young people interested and provide training pathways. Hear from Farmer Time in Schools, which connects primary and intermediate-aged children with different farming systems across the country, and the Waipaoa Farm Cadet Training Trust, who train up the next generation of farmers in their skills-based cadetship.

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Inspiring the next generation

A new children’s book written by a Hawke’s Bay farming mum and vet follows the true story of a group of rescue chickens and the derelict caravan that became their home. Rebecca Greaves spoke with the author.

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Watching the weather – and data

Running a multi-million dollar farming enterprise demands tight cost control and finely tuned operational management. Tony Leggett reports.

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Lincoln University opens new building

Opening of a major new building is a sign of recovery for Lincoln University, Anne Lee writes.

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Farmer Time celebrates successful first year

Farmer Time, an education programme that connects New Zealand school students (Years 1 – 8) and their teachers with farmers and growers across the country, proudly announces a highly successful completion of its first year.

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Interest high in cadet scheme

The Smedley Open Days in June saw 110 potential applicants visit the Hawke’s Bay Station.

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