Country-Wide June/July 2023

Composite sheep advantage is not huge

Tom Ward looks at the advantages and disadvantages of composite sheep.

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The Politricks Horror Show

Jane Smith’s pleased there’s been a good autumn on her farm, but worries this year’s election might be a horror show.

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English beauty

A flatland area of Cumbrian countryside in England’s Lake District has come on the market.

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Adding value, not cost

Companies and organisations that have been so focused on conforming to identity politics are now waking up to economic reality. They are focusing on costs and the true customer.

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A bit of Irish biffo

Billboards in the Republic of Ireland are highlighting a big boxing match coming to town that is set to be quite controversial for the country’s livestock industry.

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More in the tank to boost production

Tim and Binds White have knocked over a big prize by winning this year’s Keinzley Ag Wairarapa Sheep & Beef Farm Business of the Year Award.

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Measuring inflation is no easy task

Dr Dennis Wesselbaum outlines how inflation is measured, its value, its flaws and ideas for better accuracy.

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Looking for hidden kilos and dollars

Hill country farmers need to remember their main job is to cost effectively turn grass into saleable beef.

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MPI and the OIA process

The OIA to MPI is back and it lacks basic information on the Mycoplasma bovis eradication programme. Dr Nicola Dennis explores the OIA process and the unanswered questions.

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