Country-Wide Beef May 2023

Constantly tweaking the system

Bull farmer James Donaldson is always game to try new methods and ideas on his three Northland farms, but he told Glenys Christian it’s a constant round of budgeting, monitoring and fine tuning.

Photos by Malcolm Pullman.

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Making every minute count

Story and photos by Sarah Horrocks.

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Long lease builds top business

Josh Jamieson and his family have made a comfortable living from the bounty of the Marlborough Sounds. But it’s taken a fair amount of hard work and entrepreneurship.

By Joanna Grigg.

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Making better use of data

Data collection is getting easier and can have real value onfarm, if you know how to use it. Andrew Cochrane writes.

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Wagyu worth the wait

Builder turned farmer Duncan Robertson is into his third year breeding and finishing Wagyu beef on his Northland dairy farm.

By Annabelle Latz. Photos by Malcolm Pullman.

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What’s the best fit for your farm?

Braydon Schroder has a range of factors that will help farmers and farm owners decide what system will work best on their farm. He’s wanting farmers to challenge their thinking processes.

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Bull selection online

BULLS ARE A farm asset, an investment – so why would they be bought on a whim?

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