Country-Wide April 2023

Mycoplasma bovis: Reviewing the reviews

In part four of the Mycoplasma bovis series, Nicola Dennis delivers a timeline that delves into the detail – the good, the bad and the ugly – as New Zealand battled to control the M bovis outbreak.

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Rethink the methodology

The methodology for calculating inflation and interest rates: is it time for a rethink in volatile times?

By Victoria Rutherford.

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Lamb hopeful $7.60 by June

Lamb at $6.60/kg carcaseweight (CW) felt like such a time in the doldrums, given the super summer prices of 2022.

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Picking up the pieces

Less bureaucracy, better co-ordination and easily accessible information systems are farmers’ top wishes as they clear up after Cyclone Gabrielle.

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Pothole downgrades prediction

Based on Beef + Lamb New Zealand’s October prediction, farmers expected 2022/23 to be a reasonable year but lamb hit a pothole and mutton prices choked.

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Wet, but not all bad

Micha Johansen took precautions as the Tukituki River spilled across the paddocks.

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The Kiwi influence

When Scotland is playing rugby well it can make all the difference for John Scott at Hill of Fearn.

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To lease or not to lease

It pays to crunch the numbers and weigh up your options before deciding to buy or lease your tractor, Kerry Dwyer writes.

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Bigger, and more Aussie lambs

The Australian National sheep flock is growing – up to its highest level since 2007, at 78.75 million head.

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