First Nudies set for auction
Sheep farmers will have their first chance to buy ‘Nudie’ ram lambs at an auction at Masterton Showgrounds on March 1.

Sheep farmers will have their first chance to buy ‘Nudie’ ram lambs at an auction at Masterton Showgrounds on March 1.
The purebred Nudie ram lambs were bred from imported embryos by Derek Daniell’s Wairere ram breeding enterprise and run on a property near Pahiatua.
Up to 80 purebred Nudie ram lambs will be offered at the sale.
There will also be 30 first-cross Nudie ram lambs available too – 10 each bred from matings across three groups of Wairere ewes (bare points mob, facial eczema resilience and Wairere Tufguy (Texel-Romney) ewes).
Wairere international manager Pierre Syben selected the Nudies genetics from 2019-2022 in the United Kingdom and Ireland to export to New Zealand, focusing on large flocks which winter their ewes outside with minimal shepherding.
Syben is flying in from Australia to host the auction day and discuss what he selected for.
The ram lambs will be scanned for eye muscle and weighed on the day of the auction. The mean birth date was September 11 so the average age at scanning will be 117 days.
On March 2, several clients are coming to Wairere to buy first cross Nudies at scheduled times.
More? Contact the Wairere office on 06 372 5784, Rob Stratton on 027 271 0206 or Andrew Heriott on 027 240 0231.