Here are some more photos from Country-Wide March, that didn’t quite make it into the magazine.

    • Alistair Timothy, Rachel Joblin and stock manager Hamish Murray at Arklow near Pongaroa.

    • Liam and Alistair Timothy checking the crops at Arklow.

    • Arklow has 200ha of cultivatable land.

    • Middlehurst ram sale. From left: Dr. Mark Ferguson, Willie Sage, Tim Johnson and Mike Hardagon. Photo: Jim Tannock.

    • Middlehurst ram sale. Harry Fowler and Tom Small, Blairich Station. Photo: Jim Tannock.

    • Aerial view of Middlehurst farm. Photo: Jim Tannock.

    • Middlehurst ram sale. Susan and Willie Macdonald.

      Photo: Jim Tannock.

    • Middlehurst Merino ram sale. Photo: Jim Tannock.

    • Middlehurst ram sale. From left: Grace, Ava, Lil, Jim and Giles Foley from Maherua Station, Southern Banks Peninsula,

      and Willie and Susan Macdonald with the top selling ram. Photo: Jim Tannock.

    • View north from the Bad Decision hut to the Liebig Range on

      Glenmore Station.

  • A winter solstice hunt in the Canterbury high country.