Episode 6 – Top tips to deal with hard times financially in farming from the experts

Guests include:

  1. Ed Harrison, farm consultant, Baker Ag
  2. Dr. Todd White, Head of Product and pasture scientist, Farmax
  3. Frazer Weir, Head of Agri, BDO New Zealand


  1. Rebecca Greaves, Editor, Country-Wide
  2. Sarah Perriam-Lampp, Managing Director, CountryWide Media

When a typical North Island hill country farm budget for this year shows a potential $176,000 loss this year, it’s pretty easy to fly into fight or flight? 

So how do you make logical business decisions when it’s tough that puts you in a robust position to control costs and set up to capture more value?

Editor of Country-Wide, Rebecca Greaves along with her co-host Sarah Perriam-Lampp discuss how to navigate tough times in sheep & beef farming with top tips from experts.

The episode kicks off with Ed Harrison from BakerAg who recently held a Beef + Lamb NZ  financial workshop that Rebecca attended about cost control with alot of practical advice for this year and potentially a few more challenging years ahead.

Read Ed Harrison’s top tips here: https://country-wide.co.nz/planning-for-tough-times/  (Free)

What if you could accurately model your decision making running many scenarios on a digital version of your own farm? Dr. Todd White from Farmax explains what making tactical decisions throughout the season can do for your bottom line.

Learn more about Farmax: http://www.farmax.co.nz/ 

To wrap the episode, Rebecca Greaves gets the key takeaways from Frazer Weir’s six-week webinar, Sow, Grow & Thrive hosted by Beef + Lamb NZ on how to get the best value and advice from your advisors, how to work on your business not in it and how the top performing farmers operate in tough times. 

Get the key messages from the webinar & access the recordings https://beeflambnz.com/news/key-messages-emerge-sow-grow-thrive-webinar-series 

Subscribe to Country-Wide magazine for $59 for four issues annually: https://country-wide.co.nz/shop/ 

Key Chapters of Interest

15:30 – Rebecca chats to Ed Harrison from Baker Ag on planning for tough times

40:00 – Sarah discovers the power of modelling your farming decisions with Farmax’s, Dr. Todd White

50:00 – Frazer Weir, Head of Agri from BDO New Zealand breaks down how the top performing farmers use their advisors to their strengths and how to work on your business, not in it.

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A word from our sponsors


Listen to the first episode in Barenbrug’s brand new podcast series, Better Pastures Together, hosted by Sarah Perriam-Lampp. In the first episode, learn about key considerations for that plan to ensure you have a great result from your Autumn pasture.



FARMAX is a modelling and decision support tool, developed for pastoral farmers in New Zealand. The tool allows you to build a model of your own unique farm system and use it to record actual farm performance data, forecast future expectations and investigate unlimited scenarios for potential changes to your farm system.

Our GHG emissions calculations, sequestration features and Carbon Pricing Report allow farmers to not only know their GHG number, but to make a plan that will reduce emissions and maintain profitability.

Commercially launched in 2003, FARMAX was developed by AgResearch and was born out of 20 years of research. It is an evidence-based software system developed for the industry, by agricultural experts. The FARMAX Engine®, which drives all our products, gives farmers a truly unique advantage, because it accurately models the complex biological system that is their own pastoral farm. It creates a digital ‘twin’ of the farm business.

Today, Farmax is owned by FarmIQ. Through AgResearch being a shareholder of FarmIQ, Farmax continues to work closely with our preferred science partners to ensure the application is kept relevant with the aim to create the most valuable farm planning and analysis tools for New Zealand farmers.

FARMAX is used by farmers, rural consultants, scientists, councils, research bodies and academics to find the right balance between production, profitability and sustainability.

Visit http://www.farmax.co.nz/