Combatting deficiency

Every day lambs are below adequate in their vitamin B12 levels results in compromised growth rates, meaning reduced profit for a farming operation.

In Solutions2 Minutes

COBALT (AS VITAMIN B12) AND selenium are well recognised as essential trace elements for successful sheep farming in New Zealand.

Young growing lambs are most susceptible to deficiency and have the highest B12 requirement of any stock class, at the same time of the year that cobalt levels are lowest in their diet.

Every day lambs are below adequate in their vitamin B12 levels results in compromised growth rates, meaning reduced profit for a farming operation.

Developed with world-first research and technology, Smartshot has provided NZ farmers with a convenient and long-acting vitamin B12 and selenium solution to boost growth rates and support livestock health for about 20 years. As one of the most researched trace element products in the country, numerous trials support its use, particularly in ewes and lambs.

Smartshot B12 and Smartshot B12 Plus Se are commonly used in lambs at docking/tailing or weaning, to boost and maintain adequate vitamin B12 and/or selenium levels during the critical period of rapid growth.

The vitamin B12 in Smartshot is encapsulated within different sized microspheres, the smaller of which breaks down in body fluids faster than the larger, thus giving extended efficacy and flexibility. This means the dose of a single injection can be tailored to last lambs for three to four months (if going to slaughter) or six to eight months (for replacements).

With fewer injections there is less stress on lambs, less labour onfarm and the sustained trace element levels mean consistent and maximised growth rates.

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