Country-Wide Sheep 2023

Meat eaters king

More than 90% of New Zealanders are meat eaters, but we’re not eating as much as we used to.

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Outfoxed by Grandad

While some were checking out the retirement village options, Charlotte Rietveld’s Grandad had other ideas.

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Guarding gullies and waterways

A critical source area is a gully, swale or a depression that accumulates runoff and delivers it to waterways.

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Bugger the mud

Rain, wind and even cyclones have made the winter hard going for farmers and stock, writes Wairarapa vet Sara Sutherland.

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Spotting a successful farmer

Last century a sheep farmer could be spotted as soon as he pulled into town, but Paul Burt says identification isn’t so easy anymore.

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A question of priorities

He’s had a holiday, but now he’s home, Roger Barton is seething about a government minister’s apparent hypocrisy.

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Counting sheep

Long-time sheep pregnancy scanner Daniel Wheeler has clients across the world, James Hoban writes.

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Controlling dark forces

The traditional drench families that have served fine wool farmers well are losing efficacy, but drench-resistant internal parasites can still be fought, writes Dave Robertson.

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When cash is the biggest need

Like other costs, those for animal health have soared, vet Trevor Cook writes.

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Aussie farmers pay skin disposal fee

Stock agents have confirmed Australian processors have been charging 50 cents to $1 for skins of no commercial value for several months, and up to $5 in one case reported to Australian online sheep and wool website Sheep Central.

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