Home Block

Enterprise stacking – more from less

As Robert Hodgkins prepares to start milking sheep in Hertfordshire, England, he describes how his farming operation has adapted to soaring costs.

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Doing our bit in the sticks

City-raised Dani Darke pulls her boots out of the autumn mud to contemplate rural people’s community spirit.

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Ticking off a century

While Grandad Colin recommends sleep to cope with constant rain during lambing, Charlotte Rietveld celebrates his century of wisdom and humour.

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Then the floods arrived

First there was December’s rain, then came February’s deluge. Mark Guscott sorts through the damage in Carterton.

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Wrestle an opportunity

Paul Burt gets on the blower to chat to a Minister.

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A gate-crasher has his way

Nick Loughnan’s time with deer was almost up, but then a young feral stag had other ideas.

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We’ve put a roof on it

When you farm on the West Coast, water can be a problem. So the family has built a Mootel, Gaye Coates writes.

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Taking to the south

Joanna Hoogenboom has followed in her sisters’ footsteps, heading from Hawke’s Bay to Lincoln University and becoming a Home Block columnist.

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Nightmare on Bowen Street

North Otago farmer Jane Smith has had a dream season, but not all dreams are equal.

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Dear Aunty Thistledown

Nobody can predict poor Jenny’s future with total certainty. If that were possible, then perhaps she wouldn’t have been trapped for the last couple of decades. That being said, I think Jenny still has a long wait ahead of her.

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