Home Block

Enjoy the focus

Fresh from being subjects of an episode of long-running TV programme Country Calendar, Blair Drysdale recommends the exposure.

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Hallelujah, the Kiwis are coming

With travel restrictions lifted, John Scott   is looking forward to a team heading his way to Hill of Fearn, Tain, Scotland.

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Time to buy a Lotto ticket

Chris Biddles finds his usual optimism seriously challenged as 2022 unfolds.

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What about the rain?

A dry summer means there’s not enough grass reserves going into winter for Suzie and Paul Corboy on their southern farm.

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Taking each day as it comes

Spending some time out for a little contemplation in this country of ours can be pretty spectacular, reckons Paul Burt.

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Mai mai Southland is hot

Southland’s summer hasn’t disappointed nutrient specialist Rachael Hoogenboom.

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Deep malaise creeping in

As the rockets rain down on Kyiv, Rober Carter finds a leaky waka back home.

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Ode to Joy

With the world around us going to hell in a handcart, for Mark Chamberlain the loss of his mother-in-law is the lowest blow.

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Me and a dog named Blue

Micha Johansen has inherited a dog who is as crazy as Trevor Mallard with Spotify and a speaker, but a lot less mean.

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As Putin’s war rages

David Walston in Hertfordshire, England, reflects on the war devastating Ukraine and its impact.

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