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Error rate climbs with age

Andrew Steven has made the most of an unusually wet summer in South Canterbury.

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Dear Aunty Thistledown,

After a tough drought, then flood, then possibly drought again I have inadvertently taken up mono-cropping. I have the thickest stand of pure organic thistles you have ever seen.

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Time to fight gravity

The big four zero beckons for Charlotte Rietveld as she contemplates where the years have flown.

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He Waka and the stages of grief

After digging a tractor out of the mud, Richard Reynolds goes digging into the He Waka Eke Noa proposals.

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Hemp keeps the glass ovderflowing

Blair Drysdale spills a little milk but makes sure it’s glass half-full.

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Lean on a gate, talk to a mate

The season flicks from mid-summer to mid-winter day after day for vet Amy Hoogenboom.

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When is a subsidy an incentive?

England’s restrictions on Covid are now lifted and life is pretty much back to normal for Robert Hodgkins.

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Give young ewes a chance

With a strong red meat market the two-tooths are getting extra rations to see if they can produce the goods, Dani Darke writes.

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Ah, the scent of summer rain

Technology’s great when it works as the sales people claim, Mark Guscott reckons.

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People or trees for neighbours?

From manicured sheep farm, through a dairy conversion and to the prospect of another carbon plantation, Paul Burt gives a brief history lesson.

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