Home Block

Pitter, patter of falling rain

Amid the blasts of winter weather, it’s calving time for the team, writes Gaye Coates.

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Taking a line from The Boss

Blair Smith has found himself facing a mid-life crisis.

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Heeding the warnings

Given fair warning, Paul Burt takes care with the zip on a new pair of jeans.

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Weight loss, mental gain

Surrounded by newborn calves, Micha Johansen is relishing a new, slimmer self.

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Going through a phase

John Scott reflects on the stages of life, farming alongside his father.

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Tar seal good, pasture bad

Wairarapa farmer Roger Barton is facing an onslaught of lifestyle blocks. At least he’s trying to have control over those on his farm.

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Making connections

A chance to lead a visit to the Chatham Islands saw Robert Carter discover his kind of people.

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Blogosphere insights

South Canterbury’s Andrew Steven is no champion of smartphones, but he has got hooked on the blogs he’s found.

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Winter’s inglorious weather

Winter’s wet weather has meant a lot of mud for Suzie Corboy. She’s not a fan.

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Dangerous days

Mark Chamberlain picks up on the ‘hall monitors and tell-tale tits’ around us.

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