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Falcons here. Is famine far behind?

With the world grain market in turmoil, South Canterbury farmer Andrew Steven contemplates the big picture of feast and famine.

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Unintended consequences

Carbon farming has resulted in communications issues for many farmers. Robert Carter joins the Chorus.

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Things that go bump in the night

Mark Chamberlain and his family got a call from some night visitors who relieved his family of thousands of dollars worth of stuff. He’s not amused.

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Sunday morning dreaming

Despite the mud, Suzie Corboy really enjoys shifting cattle break fences in winter.

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Still got a lot to learn

Mark Guscott extols the virtues of farm discussion groups, like the one he’s a member of in Wairarapa.

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Keeping it simple

King Country farmer Dani Darke has been preparing for summer.

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Was that a frock or a flock?

Matata farmer Paul Burt reflects on an early encounter with a staff crossdresser in a time when farming was simpler.

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Time to scuttle the waka

Southland farmer Dean Rabbidge has serious concerns about climate change partnership He Waka Eke Noa and its recommendations.

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Too dry to combine

A hot dry summer in Cambridgeshire, England, has left David Walston opting out of some future crops.

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Plaudits among the volatility

Prices are soaring for grain, and with it comes a negative knock-on effect on other sectors, such as dairy, Blair Drysdale writes from Northern Southland.

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