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Beaten by statistics

Roger Barton is taking exception to being overlooked by statisticians.

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Ag minister loses his cool

After an encounter at Greymouth’s AgFest, Blair Drysdale has lost all respect for Damien O’Connor.

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Regrets, we have a few

Paul Burt shares his thoughts on a man of Te Urewera bush, who spent his life combating the region’s introduced pest species with economic opportunity.

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Big call downsizing NZ ag

Vet Trevor Cook has been visiting Scotland and Denmark, catching up on changes to farm practices.

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There is no perfect farmer

I often think that I am lucky to get the opportunity to experience most of the variety that exists in our farming world.

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Dear Auntie Thistledown

It’s good news if you are planning on avoiding He Waka because she’s gone burger.

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Dear Auntie Thistledown

I’m in a little bit of a pickle. My dog, Porkchop, hunts pests (rabbits, possums, and feral geese) on our property.

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In Liz we don’t Truss

Politics, the loss of the Queen, children off on OEs to New Zealand and coming rugby tests against the All Blacks are what’s on John Scott’s mind.

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The Boss heads west

Charmed by rain, The Boss and The Chief Inspector have headed to a new start at Hokitika, Charlotte Rietveld writes.

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Adventures with a pup

Ag nutrient specialist Rachael Hoogenboom is making the most of life in Southland, seeing the sights, training a puppy and taking to the water.

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